Diabetic Foot Causes and Changes to Be Made
Diabetes is a serious illness that shows complications that are linked with the eyes, heart, kidneys and more. But, the most common and threatening complication that is caused due to diabetes is the diabetic foot. So, are you diabetic? If yes, then probably you would develop foot problems. Due to diabetes, the nerves of the foot get damaged and thus, the diabetic patient does not feel any pain or pressure on the feet. One doesn’t even get to know that your diabetes might have affected your foot unless and until a severe damage or infection develops in the affected area. The affected area of the foot may need to be amputated if the ulcers do not get improved. Rather than wasting much time in getting the ulcers to go deeper into the skin, diabetic foot surgeon in Bhopal should be consulted so as to save you from further complications. What are the causes of diabetic foot? · Uncontrolled blood sugar levels: If the ...